Monday, May 11, 2009

its hard to get a job

have u ever try applying for jobs online? ? jobstreet? to date -------- hopeless.
i've been waiting months now but feedback is just reports; how many jobs i've applied, how many people applied for the same job, my expected salary is lower or higher than than the rest of the applicants. i don't need reports ! just get me a job !

heads up high~ heads up high~

giving up hopes on these 'just there but serve no purpose' websites, ive decided that i need to be more hands on now. trying the conventional way.


yes my diploma is finally in hand. alhamdulillah~~~~
so wat did i do? courtesy of my new canon printer/scanner/copier (cheyy tak important eh..) have all the papers copied and each set goes into a brown envelope. ive got an actual A4 size envelope la! in the name of being kiasu...

talking bout hard to get a job, now, the bad time and being a job seeker and on the dole , i feel that as much people find it inhibiting it is also enfeeble . this condition just couldnt get worst.

i remembered the moment when singapore was affected by the world recession in 2003, i was still in secondary school then and wasnt thinking about how serious it was , clearly because i was still schooling and not agonizing. u can see episodes of despair , be it on the papers,news and personal. now i have a taste of the medicine. dude it sure doesnt tastes good.hah.

head up high~ head up high ~

no work? study laa... thats the more common suggestions people would give you? ever.
i think it is a good alternative to fill in blanks between jobs. however how much can school cost you? a diploma shave about 5-6 k off your pocket, a degree is definitely much more expensive. 20-30 k. back in the days, i don't think people would study without a cause (which usually the case of wanting to self-upgrade), but now people have to study or else least chance for you to get a job. what if i've already got myself a diploma and i dont intend to pursue my studies? am i given a choice or no choice at all? sounds dubious aint it? i have to agree that this is the fact that we have to face. tougher competitions in respective industry in terms of employment.

thanks to the people republic of china and the pinoys from the phillipines,flooding our tiny island and replacing almost all positions. soon we can see all of em working here Singaporeans ending up working in their country instead. HAH. oh yah have you realised that too? are the pinoys getting richer nowadays or what. Mabuhay~ :)

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